5 Brands to Inspire Your Instagram Strategy

Looking to step up your brand’s Instagram account? Here are 5 brands we are watching:

  1. Soft Services

    1. Who are they? From their bio: the body skin experts™️, serving high-performance formulas for bodies seeking results since 2021.

    2. What we love:

      1. Their storytelling - this shows up in their email marketng, but has complimentary pieces coming out on social

      2. They don’t post videos often, but when they do they are well thought out - not just throwing up another piece of UGC like other brands

      3. Their packaging is ICONIC and that gives them an easy set up for all their images to be beautiful

  2. Bero

    1. Who are they? From their bio: Premium Non-Alcoholic Beer Created by Tom Holland

    2. What we love:

      1. Their vibe - the packaging and brand imagery truly stands out. Although this brand just launched, they have a great social presence and visual look to their grid.

      2. Obviously they have an advantage with their founder being Tom Holland, but their interview style content is a great way to keep people engaged - many people would watch this content without it being a celebrity.

  3. iota body

    1. Who are they? From their bio: Nutritional Bodycare™ for health | 17x award-winning essentials | smart microbiome bodycare

    2. What we love:

      1. Their imagery - especially the highlight covers

      2. They really lean into their sharp fruit imagery and then text - they are science based and have a lot to share and educate people with. Some of their videos are highlight educational tips with essays for captions. It’s nice to see a brand spend this kind of time on content that is truly about their mission vs selling a product.

      3. They have some pretty epic collabs - like this one with Oishii

  4. Besto

    1. Who are they? From their bio: 🍃 Pesto’s new bestie | 🚫 No nuts, no seed oils

    2. What we love:

      1. From a first glance the brand looks polished, but when you watch the videos you get the home grown feel from the founder and her on the streets efforts.

      2. The collabs - the founder has pushed for great NYC based collabs with brands like PopUp Bagel, local pizza shops, and more.

  5. Cadence

    1. Who are they? From their bio: Always have what you need when you need it.

    2. What we love:

      1. I love to see brands who share the building of their products. Cadence is supposed to be innovative their system for travel containers and they showcase that through how their company makes products, runs things at the warehouse, etc.

      2. Showcasing founder content and going LIVE consistently

      3. Giving thanks to their creators - makes the company seem really humble


Building Littlefoot Matcha: Week Two


NOW Building: Littlefoot Matcha