Meet: Sarah Dyer

Sarah, welcome to the team - what do you do?
I’m the No Revisions resident email marketer! I help clients with all things email - from strategy and segmentation, to design and copywriting.

How did you become an email marketer?
After working client-side and agency-side in eCommerce for over 10 years, it was time to take the leap out on my own and start my own freelance biz. That was 3 years ago and yikes, time has flown by! Going out on my own was super nerve wracking but it’s the best thing I’ve ever done. Now I get to work with different eCommerce brands and really help give their email channels proper TLC.

What fuels your creativity? 
A healthy dose of doing nothing is important - which sounds weird, I know! I feel like if I’m way too booked and busy, my creative tank is just empty. Comic books and a lot of artists in different fields on Instagram and Pinterest keep me inspired visually. I listen to tons of music (I’m also a songwriter) which does come in handy inspiring practical things like copy and subject lines. It’s all about sounding human in how we talk to each other, so that in the end - good marketing doesn’t even look like marketing. It’s just conversation!

What is a project you really enjoyed and what made it so enjoyable?
I’ve been working with some lovely brands that I relate to on a deeper level - one of which makes wider fitting shoes for those who may have health issues. The impact of this brand is not just footwear - it can genuinely change someone's life and give them new found freedom. Reading their product reviews that I use on their emails sometimes makes me a little teary! I’ve also been working with a women’s supplement brand on all their Black Friday content - and that’s been so fun trying to take the focus off of ‘discount’ and back onto the customer, reminding them to look after themselves this season. It’s all about staying brand true, and I love that.

What defines a good from a great client for you?
Emotional intelligence is huge for me, I need clients I can connect with. Clients who are also just very organized with their brand, are good communicators and are willing to take risks definitely benefit more in the long run!

What defines a terrible client for you?
Bad communication and ‘needing something asap’ are some pet peeves. Asap is not a deadline 🙂

What makes you different from competitors/peers in your field?
I’m really hands on and interested in all aspects of a client’s marketing - not just my owned channel (email). It means they benefit from a more birds-eye-view of their business that’ll definitely benefit the biz on a whole. I think this is just due to my eCommerce management experience - can’t help myself 😆

How would you describe your design style?
Colorful and quirky with zero-fluff. 

What trends are you seeing in your field right now (or to come)?
Lots of web trends trickle down to email so we’re seeing a lot of movement, like countdown timers, marquees and really cool uses of gifs. It’s always a challenge in email design incorporating movement just due to image size (gotta make sure it’s nice and small so it’ll load properly!) but I always love a good design challenge.

Do you have any tips for people who are running their own emails for their business?
Of course!

  • For 2024, give your email lists a clean! Create a segment of users who have received at least 15 emails but haven't opened in the last 365 days, and delete these contacts from your account.

  • Don't forget to engage with your larger list once a month, i.e everyone who has opted in (this then boosts your engaged segments)

  • Klaviyo's 'Show/hide' logic is totally underused - make 2024 the year where you make the most of this clever logic!

Why do you like working with No Revisions model?
As a freelancer you often feel like it’s just you out there, working yourself - so it’s nice to feel like I’m part of a team in a way at NR!

Want to work with Sarah? Check out our Email Marketing service.


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